# of watchers: 265
| D20: 5 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 70 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 60 |
2006-12-18 [Big Brother]: true.......but i jump in from time to time, but you must remember, the pest store is meant to be fun ^_^
2006-12-18 [Bookwyrm]: The pest store. XD Isn't it though? Yes I know...but once again, sometimes it's not so much fun even with the spam. x_x
2006-12-18 [Big Brother]: personally i don't care what is talked about on the wikis...
2006-12-18 [Bookwyrm]: -sighs- I don't really mind much either, it's just...gah I don't want to explain. :P
2006-12-18 [Big Brother]: then don't explain ^_^ i don't explain myself either
2006-12-18 [Bookwyrm]: Hooray! I'm one of those Unexplained Mysteries...>.>
2006-12-18 [Goodbye EP]: My throat burns. O_O
2006-12-18 [Bookwyrm]: o.o Another unexplained mystery! -offers Molly a drink and some ice cream-
2006-12-18 [phoenixborn]: Traci you are not an Unexplained Mystery. I can explain every single little irrational, illogical, contradictory and downright wierd thing you could ever possibly do, in just three words- You. Are. Female. And voila, mystery explained XD
2006-12-18 [Bookwyrm]: -smacks David- That's it...you're going in the closet for that one...-blinks- Oh wait...that's right...you're still in it. XD God that was a horrible joke.
2006-12-18 [phoenixborn]: Hey! *rubs head* That hurt! And yes it was, you...you...yo
2006-12-18 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- But you loved it. The pain and the joke. You know you did.
2006-12-18 [phoenixborn]: I didn't! You lie! And for disagreeing wth you, you're just going to have to cause me more pain again. Darn.
2006-12-18 [Bookwyrm]: -jumps on David and tackles him to the ground- You know better than to disagree with me! -pulls out whip- XD
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: Hahaha, You're her bitch!... I'm back all... I had an awesome time taking care of my crippled grandma at Disney, thanks for caring ^_^
2006-12-19 [phoenixborn]: No, please, don't hurt me *cough*hurtme*
Hell yes, arent you jealous?
And we do care! *hugs Andys' Grandma*
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: Noooo!! Don't touch her!! She has a broken back =(
2006-12-19 [phoenixborn]: Ah okay *un-hugs Grandma*...*Gi
2006-12-19 [Bookwyrm]: XD -giggles at David- Well since you asked....XD
T_T Eeek...broken back. T_T Is she going to be alright?
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: Nah, she really doesn't have much time... So she treated the whole family to Disney/Hotel..
2006-12-19 [Bookwyrm]: -frowns- Well, at least you all had fun. And that was really nice of her.
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: She was on her Go-Go Scooter... We called her Go-Go Granny all weekend ^_^
2006-12-19 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- That's adorable.
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: hehehe She was a quick girl too... I practically had to run to keep up with her... I think she ran over a few toddlers, screaming, "Get outta my way Half-Height!!" =P
2006-12-19 [Bookwyrm]: XD Poor kiddies...I'm sure they bounced right back though. XD
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: You would think so... But when their feet started twitching, I knew there was trouble and we didn't stick around... Hahaha
2006-12-19 [Bookwyrm]: XD -isn't going to imagine such a terrible sight-
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: Hahahahaha!! I have a twisted mind!! Rawrrrr!!!
2006-12-19 [Bookwyrm]: I've noticed...XD
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: *beams at the world* =DDDDDDDDDDDDD
2006-12-19 [Orochimaru]: lol...
2006-12-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *yawns* im a fucking cunt.
2006-12-19 [Nytefox]: ...are you a fucking cunt with a brick?
2006-12-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yes. *holds up brick*
2006-12-19 [Nytefox]: ok, now what do you plan to do?? oO? (gets camera)
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: You're not going to put that in a dark, moist, pink cave are you?...
2006-12-19 [Bookwyrm]: Sounds like a plan to me, Molly. x_x
2006-12-19 [Goodbye EP]: *hands over the mega-stapler*
2006-12-19 [Nytefox]: I'm pretty damn sure I'm female... (checks to make sure no one gave her a sex change in the last few moments)... nope, sorry, still a female...
2006-12-19 [Bookwyrm]: I don't think she was talking about you. x_X
2006-12-19 [Goodbye EP]: I staple labias too.
2006-12-19 [Goodbye EP]: >__>
2006-12-19 [Nytefox]: Dont you dare touch me... or... (totally forgets she doesnt have man protection)... FUCK!
2006-12-19 [phoenixborn]: Hey *waves big fish threateningly* No touchy my hubby
2006-12-19 [zoloftzantac]: *signs up to get stapled*
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: *can play that game* If any testicles are stapled, I'll staple the ovaries of every last woman on earth!!!! *RAWRS*
2006-12-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: well you lost my vote. dont even think of touching me. *walks away*
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: .... I was kidding... Whatever.
2006-12-19 [Nytefox]: hehe... (munches on part of the fish)... and if you so dare get near my vagina, I may have to hurt you.
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: but it's between the chalice and the belly button =), it's not near it =P
2006-12-19 [Nytefox]: ...you get anywhere near my reproductive organs with a stapler, I will have to hurt you. Or just near my reproductive organs at all...
2006-12-19 [Andy8178]: =P Now you know how I feel ^_^
2006-12-19 [zoloftzantac]: hmm ... *thinks about [Nytefox]'s reproductive organs*
2006-12-19 [phoenixborn]: *smacks ZZ with afore-metioned fish* Back! Back, hairy scary man!
2006-12-20 [Nytefox]: (huggles wifey and hides behind, protecting with nice sharp pointy shiny things)... yeah!
2006-12-20 [zoloftzantac]: yikes, smack a guy with a big fish just for thinkin' huh? :p
2006-12-20 [Orochimaru]: ...lol...
2006-12-20 [phoenixborn]: You were thinking 'bout my hubbys' sexualness. Think about Andy instead XD
2006-12-20 [Nytefox]: yes... and there's only two people who can think about that now... my wifey... and jon, because he said so...
2006-12-20 [zoloftzantac]: uhh, I see ... *thinks much more quietly from now on* :p
2006-12-20 [phoenixborn]: :O So Jon gets to think about it as well!?
2006-12-20 [Nytefox]: you get more visual freedom than him... he's limited to barely anything!
2006-12-20 [phoenixborn]: Oh so that's supposed to make me feel better?! *runs to bedroom and slams door*
2006-12-20 [Nytefox]: wifey??? (breaks door opens and snuggles the ball of you)... you're the only one that gets snuggles and such...
2006-12-20 [phoenixborn]: *sniffle* bet Jon would if he asked... :(
2006-12-20 [Andy8178]: *thinks about [Nytefox]'s reproductive organs* mmmm Salty... and sweet... *quivers with delight*
2006-12-20 [zoloftzantac]: *hides*
2006-12-20 [Nytefox]: Jon wouldnt if he asked... how can he when I want to snuggle you all the time?
and what the hell would be salty?? I taste pretty damn sweet!
2006-12-20 [phoenixborn]: *pinches Tracis' cheek* Aww, who's a little grumpy-goo then? ^__^
2006-12-20 [Bookwyrm]: Shut up David. -glares-
2006-12-20 [Nytefox]: uh... do we have to go over this again... I have boobs and a vigina... and I'm pretty damn strait... I dont need to eat out a girl.
2006-12-20 [zoloftzantac]: "eaten a girl out" is such a disgusting phrase, I really hate it. Cunnilingus is such a beautiful thing, why use such an ugly phrase to discribe it?
2006-12-20 [Bookwyrm]: Because they're being ugly in the first place, Z. -grimace-
2006-12-20 [Nytefox]: I'm one ugly bitch anyways... I'm suprised anyone even deals with me...
2006-12-20 [Bookwyrm]: Oh don't start that. That's bullshit and you know it. You've been hit on by more guys in this store than you can shake a stick at and you're still not content with yourself. When I said you were being ugly I meant you were talking ugly. That's all that's been going on here for the past few weeks and I'm sick of it. I know Jon doesn't care, but I do. If y'all want to talk about this garbage take it somewhere else. I can't stand it anymore.
2006-12-20 [Nytefox]: I'll shut up then...
2006-12-20 [Bookwyrm]: And all that probably sounds offensive, but to be perfectly frank...I just don't care anymore. I've been offended by what's been going on here long enough and no one's bothered to change the conversation topic. And it's not just you, Arsenic, it's pretty much everyone that's been chatting here for the past few weeks.
2006-12-20 [Andy8178]: I want to say something, but now is definitely not the time... You know we're just all fun and games Trac =)
2006-12-20 [Bookwyrm]: Yes, and fun and games is fine, but if you're going to be acting like this it needs to go somewhere else. I certainly am not against "sexual innuendo" joking, but it's all been taken WAY too far here, and I'm quite tired of putting up with it. Y'all are definitely allowed to chat and have fun here, but please...at least be relatively civil. It's really grinding on my nerves to log in every day and find nothing but sexual garbage here that means NOTHING. I really don't mind people chatting here, really I don't...but there's a limit to my understanding and patience...and it's just been pushed too far.
2006-12-20 [Bookwyrm]: If Jon really wants it to stay this way, fine (which I don't think he cares either way), but I won't be around much longer if this is the way it's going to be. It's always been pretty much fun and games here, since I started working here anyway. But this is the absolute worst it's been as far as "trash-talking
2006-12-20 [Andy8178]: Well... One, thanks for telling us we've gone too far, and two, if you see something offensive, if it were me, I'd personally message the person explaining what I felt. That's just how I handle things though, we got no problem abiding by the rules.... I promise.
2006-12-20 [Bookwyrm]: I'd personally message them too, but it's been everyone here. I'm not singling anyone out, and if I personally messaged everyone and it all went quiet, then everyone would think that they were singled out. That's not what I'm doing.
2006-12-20 [Andy8178]: I know you're not singling everyone... I've been sexually explicit... but... then again, when am I not? ;D Speaking of sexually explicit... I'm off to bed, night!
2006-12-20 [Bookwyrm]: -.- Goodnight.
2006-12-20 [Andy8178]: lol I'm just kidding dear... hahaha... Okay *makes myself scarce*
2006-12-20 [Bookwyrm]: I know you are. I'm just a bit stressed right now. Sleep well. :)
2006-12-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: raer.
2006-12-20 [Andy8178]: rawr*
2006-12-20 [Big Brother]: MW is perfectly right, i came back and started to read comments about stapling "things", the taste of reproductive organs, and eating out!! this is supposed to be a place for all ages not a <18 club! sure i don't mind that kind of talk in small amounts when it doesn't go too far and it is in good fun! but you guys/gals have to turn around and see the line you not only stepped over but long-jumped. i'm going to have to watch this place more carefully now and be more like [Tear], if anything take it to Giffie-Pet Store Spam.
I like to be fun, joke around, and be easy to get along with. but remember what position i hold on this site, i wasn't just givin this job randomly cause i'm nice, i have the job because i have the ability to BAN friends and give ban warnings without caring, and have lost many friends in the name of the job, don't test me!
Now i'm going to forget bout the past comments but i don't want to see x-rated talk in this area again, sexual joking and such like in the past....fine, but know the limit! I also don't want to here anything about this from anyone, that means NO COMMENTS ASKING "why didn't you just PM me" or "aren't you being hard" or ANYTHING to that effect! and the same goes to this statement as before, don't test me. remember, i may work ALOT and miss pages of comments but when it come to pages i own i read EVERYTHING! and there are ppl. who report to me, i do have spies weather you thought about it or not.
2006-12-20 [Andy8178]: *all is silent*
2006-12-20 [Big Brother]: no smart ass remarks either
2006-12-20 [Big Brother]: what a good way to start my day.......
2006-12-20 [Andy8178]: ... wasn't a smart ass remark, lol, I was just stating how quiet it got...
2006-12-20 [Big Brother]: well noone else is on to comment.
2006-12-20 [phoenixborn]: I am but I'm stuck at work so computers are to oslow to take any real part in a conversation. And I agree with you Jon, it did go too far. Hence I stopped commenting yesterday *is proud of strong morals* XD
Anyway, what's with the name change?
2006-12-20 [Big Brother]: didn't you know? i'm your brother!
2006-12-20 [phoenixborn]: Oh wow, I always wanted a Big Brother! Wait...I already have one. Dammit, now i have to choose one. My current one plays guitar in my band, got me a job, takes me out drinking, pplays football (or soccer, if you like) with me, and owes me £300. What can you offer me?
2006-12-20 [Big Brother]: not to beat the shit out of you.....
2006-12-20 [phoenixborn]: Haha he doesn't do that anyway i'm bigger than him now XD
2006-12-20 [Andy8178]: I already said I was sorry, what more did you want =P... It's not like I can undo the past, plus I erased the bad message..... Oh well *correction* I did not say I'd never do it again... So, I'll never do it again... Now the past is the past, no need to be in a testy mood =P
2006-12-20 [Nytefox]: so Jon... your my brother now too??? (ish hopeful)
2006-12-20 [Goodbye EP]: Testicles?
2006-12-20 [Andy8178]: ... No.
2006-12-20 [Andy8178]: Testy is a mood... I heard it a lot when I was a kid... Parents telling their kids not to be so 'Testy' it was a fad word.
2006-12-21 [Big Brother]: come now Frost, would you not rather i was your.....somet
2006-12-21 [Nytefox]: I like that idea! I like it a lot... fun is always good!
2006-12-21 [Goodbye EP]: Well, you can do that even if you ARE her brother.
At least, you can in Texas.
2006-12-21 [Nytefox]: true, bothers and sisters can have fun... but everyone knows you have the most fun with your closest friends, who dont mind getting drunk with you in the middle of nowhere, or laugh at you when your acting like an idiot, and dont mind dealing with all your insane fighting cravings.
And you dont need to be in Texas...
2006-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: heh *is thinking that [Goodbye EP] might be a little harder to redirect* :p
2006-12-21 [Andy8178]: Hahahaha!
2006-12-21 [Goodbye EP]: O_O
2006-12-21 [Andy8178]: O_O
2006-12-21 [zoloftzantac]: right after [Big Brother] laid down the law you were already talking about testicles and incest :p
2006-12-21 [Big Brother]: why do you think i stopped commenting....
2006-12-21 [Andy8178]: Good thing nothing I said was 'edgy' or 'controversial
2006-12-22 [Nytefox]: hey look! It's that Moose again! (gets distracted by the moose)
2006-12-22 [phoenixborn]: Yes...of course dear...It was a moose...*runs away*
2006-12-22 [Nytefox]: are you afraid of the Moose David?? (pets the nice little moose and feeds it walnuts)... he wont hurt you!
2006-12-22 [phoenixborn]: That's not a Moose it's Andy. Stop feeding it, you don't know where it's been XD
2006-12-22 [Nytefox]: no silly... Andy's over there... this is my pet moose! He's also a very good attack moose... GO ATTACK ANDY MY MOOSE!
2006-12-22 [Andy8178]: *slices off the moose's head with my 1m diamond cut blade* What was that about attack moose? HEYY!!! MEAT FOR THE VILLAGE!!
2006-12-22 [Nytefox]: (watches as Undead attack moose rises from the underworld behind you and starts eating you) MWHAHAHAHAHAH!
2006-12-22 [zoloftzantac]: wow, I've never seen a floating zombie moose head before *watches the zombie-moose-h
2006-12-22 [Andy8178]: Dude... I have no need for most of my brain, I upload all the data from my mind into one million super-processo
2006-12-23 [Nytefox]: this aint a zombie moose, it's an UNDEAD moose... there's a fine difference between the two...
2006-12-23 [Bookwyrm]: Restockers: Restock needed. ^_^
2006-12-23 [zoloftzantac]: undead? sorry, my bad ...
2006-12-24 [Andy8178]: .... A zombie is a unit of the undead, and if it's undead and not a zombie, then it's even easier to kill..... *grabs a fire hose and sprays water that I had my friend (who is a pastor) bless to kill the brute* gg. ;D
2006-12-24 [Nytefox]: (sends evil elemental demons upon andy) TAKE THAT FIEND!
2006-12-24 [Goodbye EP]: Incest? Me? I said something about it? NO way.
2006-12-24 [Big Brother]: incest is fine if they are hot! ^_^
2006-12-24 [Goodbye EP]: Uhhh sure?
2006-12-24 [Bookwyrm]: Hmm...apparent
2006-12-24 [Big Brother]: ya, give them a warning then fire them....
2006-12-24 [Bookwyrm]: Gotcher. :/
2006-12-25 [Andy8178]: So you are Satan [Nytefox]? Well gee, I guess I'm fucked. *reasons with the demon and makes him realize I'm on a higher intellectual level than him, then makes him cry all the way back to hell* gg x2
2006-12-25 [Nytefox]: Me? Satan? pfft... no... (hides horns)... I'm satan's daughter tho! (calls all demons off you)... and I just happen to be in a good mood right now...
2006-12-25 [Andy8178]: ... Christmas sucks this year... I think my 13 y/o brother still believes in Santa.... Sad world
2006-12-25 [Nytefox]: ...that's depressing... very depressing...
if it makes you feel any better, I got nothing, and my family spoiled my cousins... big time...
2006-12-25 [Goodbye EP]: I hungee.
*eats santa*
2006-12-25 [Nytefox]: ...ok, that sounds wrong... what's wrong with you child?
2006-12-25 [Goodbye EP]: I can't sleep. I put my head on the pillow, and I can't fall asleep. >_<;
2006-12-25 [Nytefox]: try a bottle of cough syrup... it usually does the trick... unless you're a good kid and dont do that kind of shit...
2006-12-25 [Goodbye EP]: :(
I've tried nyquil.... and we don't have anything else, really.
2006-12-25 [Nytefox]: I love Nyquil... that stuff tastes good ^^
2006-12-25 [Goodbye EP]: It's the green kind. Blech.
2006-12-25 [Nytefox]: who cares? I like it!
2006-12-25 [Goodbye EP]: You are an odd duck.
2006-12-25 [Nytefox]: (bows) thank you!
2006-12-25 [girisdabomb1]: all ya'lls is weird anyways i want a ferret named Will
2006-12-25 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Please read the top of the page. Do not ask for a pet in the comments. Thank you.
2006-12-25 [Goodbye EP]: Happy holidays everyone!
2006-12-26 [Andy8178]: I think you are all weird... Merry Christmas >=)
2006-12-26 [Orochimaru]: ...i know i am...but what are you?(lol)
2006-12-26 [Nytefox]: Is there anything wrong with being odd, Andy?
2006-12-26 [zoloftzantac]: thank god I'm odd :p
2006-12-26 [Nytefox]: I agree with you ZZ! Who wants to be normal anyways? It seems boring and blah and oh so uneventful and undaring...
2006-12-26 [zoloftzantac]: odd is interesting ;)
2006-12-26 [Nytefox]: that is the most brilliant thing I have ever seen...
2006-12-26 [Andy8178]: I want to be normal in a world full of odd people. Because that's what it has come down to, therefore I'm still the rebel. Ggkthx
2006-12-26 [zoloftzantac]: heh, the rebel without a cause huh? I just am what I am
2006-12-26 [Nytefox]: if it was a world full of odd people, "odd" would be normal... thus, if you were "normal" in an odd world, you would be "odd"
2006-12-26 [Andy8178]: Right, exactly my point ^_^
2006-12-26 [Nytefox]: (cries) I'm a different rebel then... I actually want to get kicked out of my house so I can hang out with all you people!
2006-12-26 [Orochimaru]: ...ok...
2006-12-26 [Nytefox]: you bet it's ok! ^-
2006-12-26 [Andy8178]: ....
2006-12-26 [phoenixborn]: ..... Ha I got more dots than you...
2006-12-27 [Nytefox]: DAVID!!!! (tackles) I miss you wifey!
2006-12-27 [Andy8178]: ......
2006-12-27 [Bookwyrm]: Happy Birthday to meeee! Happy Birthday to meeee! I'm sick as a dooooog, and a litt-le bitchyyyy! XD Okay...just sick. XD Taking the day off, though. Shouldn't affect much. ^_^ -hugs everyone- Hope I didn't just give you what I've got. XD
2006-12-27 [phoenixborn]: .......
*huggles* miss you too hubby ^__^
Happy birthday! *gives cake* Happy birthday to you, you were born in a poo, You look like a toilet, aaaaannd smell like one too :)
2006-12-27 [Orochimaru]: ...lol...
2006-12-27 [Nytefox]: YAY! Happy birthday Traci! (looks for cake she made, then realizes David already gave it to you)... (hands you a nice gift wrapped gift)... hope you feel better...
2006-12-27 [Andy8178]: *gives Traci some coal* errr... ummmm REGIFT!!
2006-12-28 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you Andy. ^^ -throws coal at David for his mean remarks and smiles satisfactorily as it bounces off his head- Oh and thank you too Arsenic...-ope
2006-12-28 [Nytefox]: (catches the piece of coal)...(tries to start a lame fire with it)
2006-12-28 [Bookwyrm]: Nice catch. Although I bet David wishes you caught it before it hit him. :P
2006-12-28 [Nytefox]: (is absorbed in trying to start small fire)... well, a fire makes everyone feel better, no?
2006-12-28 [Bookwyrm]: Depends on what the weather is like...XD
2006-12-28 [Nytefox]: what do you mean??? Fire always makes people happy!! how does it not make you happy all the time???
2006-12-28 [Bookwyrm]: Er...when it's 110 degrees outside and there's a fire going on as well...it's very unhappy-making
2006-12-28 [Nytefox]: oh right... i forgot you lived someplace hot... In Michigan, fire is never a bad thing!
2006-12-28 [Bookwyrm]: Hahaha...yes..
2006-12-28 [Nytefox]: define "cold"... apperently some people think it's weird that we dont bust out the winter coats until it hits -20F...
2006-12-28 [Andy8178]: I live in a more humid place... which makes the temperatures 'look' more moderate, but once temperatures are above 90, they all feel the same ^_^
2006-12-28 [Bookwyrm]: Hahaha...I don't think we've even hit 30F yet. It's usually just cool during the day, but in the mornings and nights it's very chilly...at least for Texas. x_x
2006-12-28 [Andy8178]: We haven't even been below 50 yet :P but yeah... mornings are hot, evenings are hot... EVERYTHING IS SO DAMN HOT!!!
2006-12-28 [Bookwyrm]: We may have hit 40...I don't know. o.O I just step outside and think "wow...erm...j
2006-12-28 [Andy8178]: Anything below 70 is too cold =P I want a jacket in my own home ^_^
2006-12-28 [Big Brother]: 32 here, i'm still in a t-shirt ^_^ it's just starting to get a bit chilly, and some snow on the grown, time for a sweatshirt.
2006-12-28 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha I like the temperature in the mid-sixties...
2006-12-28 [Nytefox]: I'm right with you Jon!... but I dont need a hoodie yet... maybe a longsleeve shirt or something...
2006-12-28 [Big Brother]: i went to Washington DC before on a trip, we were walking around in short-sleeves and all the Americans were wearing huge coats, scarves, gloves, everything, it was funny as hell.
2006-12-28 [Nytefox]: I we did that in 8th grade... took a 12 hour bus ride... on they way there the bus broke down in front of a holocaust memorial center (we were a jew school) that was 5 minutes away from the school itself... and so I got cases of Jolt and drank them all on the way there... wasnt such a good idea...
2006-12-28 [Big Brother]: i went with a military group....staye
2006-12-28 [Andy8178]: Eh, I make fun of you Canadians by running your 'bad driverness' off the road, then make you guys smell my hand as I give you the finger!! RawR!
2006-12-28 [Nytefox]: Warning! This message contians content that may be offensive. I appologize in advance... but FYI: this kid is *saddly* American...
Hey, at least Canadians have the sense to not elect a C average, drunk, idoit loser president, who's thinks the world is his play toy, and still has his parents tell him what to do! My god, how has one of us not killed him yet???
Number of comments: 11556
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